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Gov. 蒂娜·科特克(Tina Kotek)将邀请俄勒冈州农业部前副主任重新领导该机构.

Lisa Charpilloz Hanson从2005年到2021年担任该机构的副主任, before leaving to lead the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. 当她回到国家农业部门担任新主任12月. 1, following a likely vote of approval by the Senate in November, 她将管理500多名员工,两年的预算约为1.4亿美元. She’ll earn $17,681 monthly, according to the governor’s office. 

In a news release announcing her decision Wednesday, Kotek说,她选择Charpilloz Hanson是因为她在困难和有争议的农业问题上的工作经验. Her first challenge will be maintaining farmer safety net programs, 保护倡议,农村发展,食品和营养项目,而联邦农业法案, which expired Sept. 30, sits stalled in Congress.

“俄勒冈州面临着复杂的自然资源挑战,需要数据驱动, resilient solutions,” Kotek said. “Lisa Charpilloz Hanson带来了数十年与自然资源社区合作的经验,以满足全州俄勒冈人的需求.”

Charpilloz Hanson在农业部工作了20年. Before becoming deputy director, she managed the agency’s commodities commission program, which oversees 22 groups of producers, 农民和公众代表,他们对从商业鱼类到粮食的一切事情做出信托决定.


“俄勒冈州多样化的农业和食品部门在我们不断变化的环境中有不断变化的需求,” Charpilloz Hanson said. “我很高兴能与本署的团队合作,改善自然环境和工作用地的价值。.”

Before joining the state agency, she spent years working food processing jobs, including as a sales representative for Green Giant, the frozen and canned vegetable company. During that time, 她被派到明尼苏达州的农村度过了一个夏天,参加玉米收割,并在一家玉米加工厂工作, she previously told the Capital Chronicle.

Charpilloz Hanson grew up on a farm in the rural, unincorporated community of Monitor, between Woodburn and Mt. Angel. 农场并不是她父母的主要收入来源——他们都从事其他工作——但家里种植了各种各样的作物,这给了她灵感, she told the Capital Chronicle, to study agriculture and economics at Oregon State University. She continues to be involved with the university, 她现在在农业科学学院领导学院顾问委员会任职.

After graduating from Oregon State in 1989, 她接受了绿巨人公司的工作,并参与了华盛顿农林领导项目, 这是一家位于斯波坎的非营利组织,帮助农民和林农发展公共政策和政治宣传技能. 

During her time at Oregon’s agriculture department, she oversaw policies regulating the use of farm fertilizers, pesticides and confined animal feeding operations, or CAFOs.

她为该州的农业水质制定了一项有争议的合规计划, 环保人士批评该项目是自愿的,缺乏俄勒冈州环境质量部的监管权力. As deputy director, 她还花了十多年的时间与国家领导人和其他机构领导人就克拉马斯盆地的水质和水量问题进行合作.

该州最大的农业游说团体对Charpilloz Hanson的任命表示满意, said Greg Addington, 俄勒冈州农业局局长,克拉马斯用水协会前执行董事.

“丽莎了解农业的许多不同方面, she understands Oregon’s politics and how to run a state agency, and most importantly, she understands Oregon,” Addington said in an email.

Alice Morrison, co-director of the nonprofit Friends of Family Farmers, representing about 1,200 small-scale family farms in Oregon, 她说,她和她的同事们对她在俄勒冈流域促进委员会的工作印象深刻,并期待着在她的新角色中了解Charpilloz Hanson. 

“我们感谢她在OWEB的经验,因为我们正在为持续的干旱状况寻找解决方案,并努力解决气候变化对俄勒冈农业的影响,” Morrison said in an email.

夏皮洛兹·汉森(Charpilloz Hanson)最初于2016年申请担任州农业部长. 凯特·布朗最终任命了亚历克西斯·泰勒.S. 农业部在发展中国家的农业和贸易项目. 自从泰勒之后,俄勒冈州的农业机构一直没有常任理事 left in 2022 to serve again at the USDA.

Former assistant director Lauren Henderson led the agency from Sept. 2022 to Aug. 2023. Bill Ryan, former Deputy Director of the Department of State Lands, was appointed interim director by Kotek on Sept. 她将一直担任该职位,直到Charpilloz Hanson于12月上任.

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